miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

Computer and Mobile phones composition. Guideline.


First you’ll say you think so or you don’t think so.

E.g.: Yes, I think so or NO, I don’t think so

Even if you think so or you don’t think so, you’ll give your REASONS for your positive or negative answer.


Here you can write in what situations, when, who…with we use computers or new technology devices

E.g.: In your job, for entertainment, to control the traffic, in hospitals, cars also have a computer aboard, etc, almost everything is controlled or done with computers.

To communicate: The Internet, mobile phones, iphones, I pad, laptops, notebooks, etc

For entertainment: MP3, Mp4, Mp5, iPod, Play station, PSP, Xbox, etc..

· You can talk about advantages or disadvantages of using all these devices

· You can compare what our life is like nowadays compared with 100 years ago without all these new technology.

· You can talk about your own experience in your daily life (you use to do your homework, to communicate with your friends, etc…)


You summarize your main ideas.

You write things in favour or against, you can think about a balanced option.

Finally you write your personal opinion.

In general, I think…

Computers are very useful but we shouldn’t be so dependent on them… (give your reasons)

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