jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018



  1. Mary has the food delivered to her house.
  2. Fred has / had the meat cut into small pieces.
  3. Rachel has her hair cut about twice a year.
  4. Last week, Mr Stone had his eyes checked.
  5. When Mrs Frost goes to see the doctor next week, she will have her blood checked.
  6. Last week, Jane had her car serviced.
  7. We are going to have the gutters replaced.
  1. They have their carpets cleaned there.
  2. I must have the tyres checked.
  3. I ought to have a new key made for the front door.
  4. I don’t think I can afford to have out flat painted.
  5. That shop isn’t expensive; I had my watch mended there last week.
  6. Ah, yes! My husband had his eyes tested there last week.
  7. ………and I’ll have that coffee stain removed.
  1. Peter had his driving licence taken away.
  2. Paula had her bike stolen from the garage.
  3. Fiona had her glasses broken.
  4. John had her clothes torn in a fight.
  5. Jane had her flat burgled at the weekend.
  6. We had our electricity cut off.

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