Hi everybody!!
I hope you're enjoying your Christmas Holidays.
However, you're in 2nd Bachillerato and you have to keep working, even in these days.
So here you are what you should / have to do:
1. EvAU texts: "Slow Fashion" and "Proper Office Cafeteria Etiquette". LINK
2. Rephrasing exercises. You can practice with the rephrasings that have appeared in the Selectividad Exams until 2015. You can do them and then correct them with the solutions that appear in the same entry. LINK
3. Rephrasing exercises. You can also try the rephrasings that have appeared in the last years. It's a 5-page pdf document. There are NO solutions for them. Nevertheless you can try and we will correct in class the ones you want. LINK
4. Review PASSIVE VOICE. You can have a look at the exercises and photocopies from last year.
Here you are some links:
LINK 2 (pasiva causativa "have something done")
LINK 3 (pasiva impersonal "it is said..." "Some is believed...")
5. Review PURPOSE sentences. You can work with them, for instance, in this LINK
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! See you in 2019.
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